
Final Exam; essay question

Write a blog post that focuses on separate examples of what you feel to be both the best and the worst aspects of the internet. You are welcome to use sources from the Scoop It channels or any other sources you find to be credible. You will be expected to provide two sources for both your best and worst example. If you use a source that is not available online, you will need to cite it at the bottom of your blog post in MLA format.

              Because of the spread of the internet, all kinds of information could be known to everyone in the world immediately. In addition, the information is not just one way communication; it is possible to communicate among several people. The telecommunication technology succeeded to remove the borders between countries, and it also removed different social status or environment of every person. People using the internet have the same rights, and the information shared in the internet is basically treated equally valued.
              It seems this virtual world succeeded creating the ideally equal world which is difficult or impossible to create in the real world. Certainly it is very important to be guaranteed that people can freely speech without limitation caused by their social status etc. However, the apparent equal opportunity also has possibility to bring unnecessary confusion in the information society.
              When the internet began to spread, most people welcomed to use one without any concerns because it allowed us to send any information freely. However, that means, it is possible the unreliable or false information covers the web. Moreover, if so, there must be many people who cannot decide which information is reliable, and so the false information could be treated as the true information. No limitation causes confusion.
              For example, people publish their sentences AFTER the publication company’s check which is to evaluate whether the article is valuable for the company to make money. If you can pass the evaluation check, you can publish your article. Because of this process, people can know the articles can be treated as reliable source, or useful for us.
              However, if information without this process can be read or seen by anyone, it becomes hard to believe what is the true information, or which information is useful for us. In other words, we have to move in the confusion of too much information. We always face this problem when we write a paper about something and use internet sources.
             This cite tells us 10 negative aspects of the internet! Check them!
              However, I personally appreciate to the good aspect of the internet. As I mentioned below, the internet allows us to communicate beyond time and distance. That means it is easy to keep in touch with people I encountered. For example, the social network service such as facebook or mixi plays an important part in my life because I have many friends who are not in my country, or who are still in my home town (I moved to Tokyo 5 years ago). Some of them are pregnant or have little kids, so it is hard to go out many times for them.


ds106 #5: Writing: Kuze-Kannon

ds106 Tell me a story

     The item that I have an extreme emotional attachment to is...Kuze-Kannon (Guanyin) in Yume-Dono, Horyuji Temple. I like looking at Buddha statues from childhood (I'm Buddhist so it is not only for interests but also for religious reasons). but I didn't have any speific "favorite Buddha statue" until high school.
     I learned about this statue when I was in 2nd grade of high school, and soon after I heard about the story, I planned to see the real statue in Nara prefecture. The story is so mysterious and a little scary.

     This statue had been covered with white cloth from ancient time (probably Kofun period) to Meiji era. When famous historian Ernest Francisco Fenollosa decided to take the cloth off, many monks in Horyuji ran away from the temple because no one hadn't seen it for a reason which nobody knew.
     Fenollosa found that the statue was not like a nomal Buddha statue because of its facial expression. Moreover, no one knew why it had been covered not to be seen. However, the most impressive thing was its aureola. Usually people built a bar behind statue to express aureola, but for this statue, the halo was put by punching nail into Buddha's head!!
(Left: normal way to put halo, Right: the way to put halo in Kuze-Kannon)
      On April of the year I went to Nara to see the statue. When I faced it, I started crying and couldn't stop. I didn't know why. Maybe I love the statue, and at the same time I'm scared by it. I think this is one of the most mysterious sacred object in Japan.

ds106 #4: Writing: Quote

ds106: 1Quote a day

“I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”

ds106 #3: Visual: Toyota Century

ds106-Car Lust

     I think Century from Toyota is the best car in the world!!
     One of my friends used to drive this car, and I sometimes had a chance to drive his. It was amazing that you can't imagine how confortable this car is...from both driver's point of view and passengers'. I was so surprised when I found massage chairs and they can be warm to make passenger more confortable. I can totally understand why Japan's emperor chose this car!
     In addition, I love its looks, too. I love older model much better than the new one because old one is more like square whereas the new one has curve lines and ball-like shape. Black is the best color for this car I think. However, the "Black" is not just "Black": it says "Kamui Black". Kamui means "God", and this term perfectly fits to this car !!!

more details in the youtube...Check it!!


ds106 #2: Mashup: Kirin Beer

ds106-consumer mashup

     Many of my friends say I am famous for beer lover. YES, I love beer!!! Despite beer is alchole, it is good for your health (I'm not saying "drink as much as you can". It's up to you and your condition of course.)

     According to a waitress in Kirin City, beer helps your stomach work well, and contains vitamine and mineral.
    However, the greatest thing that beer brings us is that it helps to release stress. Think about your life..if you have something bad in your life, do you want to drink beer? Don't you think beer fits to an atmosphere with your friends to communicate?
     Kirin City is one of my favorite place to drink beer. There are 5 kinds of draft beers; Kirin Breau Miester, Kirin Lager, Stout, Half and Half, and Heartland. Thus you can enjoy many different beers in one restaulants. Moreover, there are bottled beer, Guiness, many types of wines and cocktails. Even if you want to drink with a person who cannot drink beer, you can bring her or him to the place.
     My drinking style in that place is; 1. Lager, 2. Half and Half, and 3. Stout. Lager is good to drink with foods (foods there are also great by the way), and Stout is tasty to drink by itself. I recommend you to drink Lager or Heartland first, and then try other ones :)
     Staffs making beer there have to have lisence to make beer. It seems kind of easy, but it is not actually. The taste is different by the staffs. They have to practice a lot before they take the exam, and of course sometimes they cannot pass. Moreover, they have to have knowledge about beer. In short, staffs in the restaulants are all professionals of beer.

Why don't you start planning to see friends with fabrous beer?


ds106 #1: Video: "Sakuran"

ds106: Video essay

    Because I liked Mai's blog, I want to introduce another movie. However, if we talk about movie trailers that contain effective color or music use, it is impossible to ignore "Sakuran"

     When this film was released, it surprised many people for its blliriant color use and its music director was Shiina Ringo, who is popular and personal singer in Japan.
     Unlike other movies made from novels and Mangas, I like the movie much better than the original Manga because of the music (I'm a huge fan of Ringo actually) and vivid colors. Looking carefully at the trails, we can see that there is not only vivid colors, but also a scene of black and white, and natural colors for cherry blossoms.
     The vivid colors are used to describe the characters' life in Yukaku (prostitutes' house). Their wearings and their hair ornaments are all red, yellow, or gold. The main character's past has no colors but black and white. The most interesting color use in the trail is the natural color, that represents the main character's dream.
     It is rare that color use and music is treated more importantly than story. It may sound strange, but it worked in this movie.

Malware in Smart Phone

I want to introduce news I read the other day.

How many of you use smart phone? If you use one, BE CAREFUL!! From the beginning of this year, Malware for smart phone is increasing rapidly. A number of Malware against iPhone, Android, or Black Berry in the world was 3 in 2009, 5 in 2010, but there are over 40 until the middle of October this year.

The reason why the number of Malware increased suddenly is not only because more people started to use smart phone. Especially for Android, we can open the OS and application software to the public. Thus it is easy for the Malware creator to attack. In fact, the major way to get Malware is through downloading application software.

Even though there is anti-virus software, it is not certain your phone can be safe for 100%. A vicious Malware takes root authority, and works outside of anti-virus software. Because the Malware has root authority, e-mails, address book, pictures, and any other information can be accessed. What is worse, there is a vicious Malware that doesn’t tell users that their phone is infected, so you may send someone’s information every time you make a call, text, or take a picture.
 Now, we can't live without cell phone. It is necessary to communicate, to make friends, to make better relationships, or for bussiness. Smart Phone is much convenience (seriously, my phone is not smart phone so I have many difficulty), but it also is dangerous. If Malware keeps expanding, and if anti-virus softwares don't work well, what can we do?
 so...do you still want to change your phone to smart phone?

::Final exam question::
What is the difference between Winny and Malware?


We Are All Artists

     I personally agree with Timmmmy boy's idea of We Are All Artists especially the  idea of creativity. Yes, we are all artists because all of us like something interesting, something funny, something comfortable, or something that makes you smile. To get these "something"s, we think a lot, and as a result for the thinking, we start creating something.
     When I was working for digital photography class, I was wondering whether I could be an artist. I was not professional photographer, or photoshop user, but I tried to be so hard to make my work artistic. I think this process definitely means a artist, even though my photography was not good.
     "Find your own way to be an artist" is the important idea that I realized through Timmmmy boy's lecture. If we try to, we will be able to make our life more interesting, and make us smile more :)


Local Commercial Mashup: Laos

  Laos is a place where catch people's heart; many people who have been to the country tend to visit there again. Even though the country is one of the small, and non-famous countries, there are many brilliant aspects to capture our tention.
  One of them is a beauty of the nature. Unlike Bangkok, Vientiane still has much nature, though it is a capital, especially along with Mekong River. In addition to the nature, there are parks and bars that allow us to enjoy the view with confortable environment or with some cocktails.

  Even though the country is regarded as a developing country, the puvlick transport is well organized. Therefore, if you want to go to rural area, it is easy to get there with cheap public bus.
  For example, there is a wonderful place named Vang-Vieng. It takes 6 hours from the capital, by bus. The place is famous for the glorious view of nature. The buses usually go to the rural town, and then you can take local tuk-tuk (bike taxi) to go to any place you want to go. Thus you can go to wherever you want to go without international car lisence.
Vientiane bus stationVientiane bus station by Natasha NatVang Vieng Vang Vieng by Gedsman

  The greatest thing you can see in Laos, however, is not the nature or transportation but people there. People in Laos are all kind and warm. Even in the market, you rarely see people who try to grab your bag or ask for money. Even though you are stranger in the country, people help you to travel comfortablly; some people help to stop tuk-tuk for us, or some people teach the beautiful place you had better go.
  These are reasons why the country is now popular to travel around. Why don't you start thinking about going there and meet beautiful nature and people?

Laos, Somusanouk Village
Laos, Somusanouk village by Hirono Takigawa


blog assignment #2 gossips and 2channel

         Our group topic is "Gosship and Media". The "gossips in media" sounds like informal talk or stories about famous people...such as movie stars or singers. However, there are gossips which we do in everyday life; something about the ordinary people like our friends or classmates. If you "gossip" someone on the web, it might have many problems...because saying something on the web means sharing information with whole people in the world.

         I want to talk about 2 channel bulletin which is like America's 4 channel. The other day, I was looking through the news in 2 channel, and found a post which showed the danger of internet gossips. This news is basically about a collage girl who is in a relationship with a married guy. She "tweeted" what she did with him, how she felt about him, or pictures of them on twitter.
        Her story was somehow known by people in 2channel. Pictures of her and him, their real full names, her collage and his company, his wife's name and her family's names, her mixi account, their home addresses....were all shared on the bulletin board.
         I was scared when I saw a picture of that guy's home. Someone took photo of his home, and some people did mischief like ding-dong dash. I think the three people's privacy is totally invaded, because everyone in the world can know their information.

       This is one of the common example of no-privacy web talk.  As we know, this kind of things happen everyday...This is not a rare case.
        so...what we shoud be careful is...not to have private talk through the web? then we should delete facebook account??


Internet and people

This story is a little off the topic of The History of the Internet, but I was impressed and appreciated the internet service.
In 2000, my mom got breast cancer. The cancer itself was not heavy, and so she is fine now. However, as other patients suffered by breast cancer, she had to cut her left breast off.
For women loosing breasts is so painful because they might feel like they are not female anymore, and my mom wasn't an exception. Because of a secondary effect of an anticancer drug, the whole illness produced depressed state.
My dad, brother and I all tried to chin her up all the time, but everything ran badly. We wanted to help her, but we couldn't imagine her real feelings. She stayed indoors at bedroom; what she did was crying and sleeping.
She had a PC in her room. I don't know why and when she started to look internet sites, but she actually did. I guess she wanted to know more about breast cancer at first. And then, she found many other patients of breast cancer. She created her own blog, and made web-friends...a woman who just found her breast cancer, a man whose wife was suffered by breast cancer, and so on.
One day, she asked my dad whether she could go out of home (we need dad's permission if we want to go somewhere). She said she wanted to go to hot spring in Akagi, Gumma. I was surprised because we had to be naked in ONSEN, and it must hard for people who lost breast.
What made her go out of her room was "1, 2の3で温泉に入る会" (Getting in Onsen with 1, 2, 3 shout). This is Japanese site, but this organization is established by, and for "breast cancer survivors".
Her depression was getting better and better by communicating with people who had the same worries or anxiety. Mom's blog had 10th anniversary this year. Unfortunatelly one of the web-friends passed away by metastasis of breast cancer to uterus. However, mom is trying to learn more about breast cancer, and supporting other patients through the web.